Hi there my name is Laura Dominguez. :)
I am currently a Sophomore at Mesa Community College. I would like to welcome everyone to my basic Astronomy 101 blog, hope you will enjoy and learn maybe a few interesting things
The goal of having this blog is to potentially help people with any questions or doubts they might have regarding the wonderful science of Astronomy.
I myself recently began my interest in astronomy, I was camping with my boyfriend near the Grand Canyon and remember seeing how clear and impressing the night sky was there, I had seen it like that very few times before. The entire sky was so visible, the Milky Way was so clear and amazing, I knew about the Milky Way chocolate candy bar but also did know there was more to the word. But did not know enough...Curious I asked my boyfriend if he knew anything about the night sky and the universe, and he had kept all this amazing breath taking information from me. I asked and asked, I didn’t get enough and was hungry for more! I decided once the Fall semester began I would take a basic Astronomy course and I did. Everyday I have amazing knowledge to share about the universe and each day I grow more and more curious about how everything got started....and that is what Astronomy is all about. Learning how the universe, solar system and Earth is what it is. There is sooo much to learn about this subject its exciting. What will be included in my blog will be basic information about the universe, Astronomy Picture of the Day, Astronomical recent/old discoveries, (ARIZONIANS) I will include a list of all the different planetariums/observatories in the state of Arizona, as well as astronomical events in AZ for example open to the public planetariums and Astronomical nights, etc. So for all the Astronomy Nerds FYI this is for basic knowledge, most of this you may already know, but if I could get your feedback and comments that would be GREAT! I also want to learn more about this extraordinary topic! Thank you!
“You have to know the past to understand the present.” -Dr. Carl Sagan
“Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another”-Plato.
“The world is my country, and science is my religion.”- Christian Huygens, 17th century Dutch astronomer
“The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.”
- Albert Einstein
“The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination, but the combination is locked up in the safe.”
- Peter de Vries
"Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke
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